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Profiling Wine, Juice, and Honey Using NMR Spectroscopy




Bruker has introduced a fully automated, push-button, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) solution called FoodScreener.

The system performs analysis and reports based on 400 MHz. It can concurrently identify and fully quantify compounds and requires minimal sample preparation at a lower cost for each sample.

The FoodScreener is a reliable screening method developed for both non-targeted and targeted multi-marker analyses. It also helps in detecting unpredicted and unknown fraud.

With the help of complex statistical models, tasks like production process control, origin authenticity, species purity, sample similarity, and false labeling can be tested.

The results generated by the FoodScreener are independent of the user, laboratory, and the system. The following sections describe the different NMR solutions developed for wine, juice, and honey profiling.

Juice Profiling

An NMR-based screening method called SGF Profiling™ is meant for fruit juices. This technique was developed through a joint venture between SGF International e.V. and Bruker BioSpin GmbH. Various parameters relating to authenticity and quality are used for analyzing each fruit juice simultaneously, based on a single data set acquired within a few minutes.

Key Features

The SGF Profiling™ includes the following key features:

  • It is a reliable screening method that helps assess targeted and non-targeted multi-markers
  • Enables classification testing, for example, the determination of the origin of fruits
  • Targeted assessment — Complete and simultaneous quantification of applicable organic compounds with reference to NMR and A.I.J.N. distribution
  • Statistical analysis is based on an extensive NMR spectroscopic database containing thousands of reference juices; the database was obtained from production units worldwide and is routinely updated
  • Non-targeted analysis — Comparison is made between the NMR-profile and an associated group of reference spectra; deviating concentrations including unidentified compounds are identified automatically
  • Determination of fruit content, for example, detection of the addition of sugar, water, or amino acids

Wine Profiling

In association with a few experts in the field, Bruker has developed a novel solution for testing wine through NMR spectroscopy. The principle of the method relies on obtaining a spectroscopic fingerprint that is specific to every individual sample.

Through a multivariate statistical method, these spectroscopic fingerprints are compared to an extensive database of genuine wine samples. Wine profiling by NMR technique takes quality control and also the testing of safety and authenticity issues into consideration, in an exclusive way.

Key Features

The NMR spectroscopy for wine profiling includes the following key features:

  • NMR spectroscopy is a reliable screening technique that allows both targeted and non-targeted evaluation from a single measurement
  • Analysis reports can be automatically generated
  • Non-targeted validation of sample conformity through comparison with genuine reference data using verification models
  • Authenticity parameters like vintage, grape variety, and geographical origin can be predicted using classification analyses
  • Quantification values can be compared to official reference values and for all compounds to the concentration distribution of genuine samples, thus making it easy to interpret the results